up:: [[Home]] tags:: #map/view # The Inbox This isn't a normal inbox. It's a cooling pad 🧊. Thoughts come in hot 🌶. But after a few days, they cool down ❄️. When cooler thoughts prevail, you can better prioritize. Cool? This view looks at the 20 newest notes in your **+ Encounters** folder. As you process each note, make connections, add details, move them to the best folder, and delete everything that no longer sparks ✨. > [!HINT]+ This data view 🔬 only renders in the free downloadable version. > You won't be able to see the magic unless you [download the kit](https://www.linkingyourthinking.com/download-lyt-kit), but here's what it looks like in my personal vault... > ![[lyt-kit-example-cooling-pad-.jpg]] ``` dataview TABLE WITHOUT ID file.link as "Encounters and new notes", (date(today) - file.cday).day as "Days alive" FROM "+ Encounters" and -#on/readme SORT file.cday asc LIMIT 20 ``` --- If you want to encounter some new things, check out: [🐦](https://www.twitter.com) or [📚](https://readwise.io/lyt/)