Folks relying solely on direct links, tags, and folders are missing out on a bevy of benefits. Below is a list of benefits derived from having your notes equipped with fluid frameworks like a Home note and Maps of Content.
Having a Home note and MOCs act as reliable home bases to re-ground your thoughts whenever they begin to waver. Like a parent to a five-year old, linked frameworks like MOCs are a consistent and comforting safety net.
Disregard this at your own peril. [1]
Fluid Frameworks like the Home note and Maps of Content don't limit access; they curate it.
They are like a top-notch concierge that directs you to where you want to be.
The LYT framework is filled with your personalized reminders of important categories of knowledge and their key terms. It helps kickstart the brain—reducing the activation energy needed to start thinking and connecting ideas.
Note retrieval becomes easier when you're staring at many possible access points: your main categories, contexts, maps, and tags. [2] Notes become tethered like Wolverine:
MOCs Overview (MOCs) are your key to adding structure to the chaos, especially as your digital library grows. The ability to sense the tickle of anxiety and build an MOC is oftentimes the difference between a finished project and an abandoned one.
Making a Map of Content forces a rich, engaging relational battle between notes. Notes jockey for position in your brain, and each placement by you embeds them with additional meaning.